Where am I? What is this place? It's different. I breathe...and I like it.
Που ειμαι; Βρισκωμαι σε ενα μερος τελειος ξενο και διαφορετικο.... Αναπνεω....και μου αρεσει.
My older best artist brother Tsutomu and myself at Gucci onsen (Social Reform Kitchen). Definately one of the happiest moments of my life...Thanks once again brother! Harmryel Productions
BEST 兄弟 !!! FOREVER!! Harmryel Productions
BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!! Harmryel Productions
3 Best Friends Forever! Harmryel Productions
ALFA ROMEO?? From the Movie 69.....Coincidently the number 69 was under Tsutomu's lighter! Harmryel Productions
I'm....sorry. lol Harmryel Productions
I'm soo sorry....I promise I won't do it again Harmryel Productions