Thursday, May 04, 2006


So, tomorrow morning, when I wake up, I will eat some breakfast, have a shower, get dressed and go pick up Tobin from the airport! That's right! Tobin is coming to Australia!

I'm actually looking forward to it. It'll be so good to see someone that you met and only saw in Japan, and now they'll be here in 'my territory' even though I still feel like a forienger here myself! We have no plans as yet, we'll see what she wants to do. I've been keeping busy though, today is my last day of shall we say proper alone time. As of tomorrow, Tobin will be here for around 6 days and then she leaves and I start work temporarily.

I'll let you know, what happens, and I know, I will eventually post up some pics again!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cagey, I miss you! has tobin gone? guess what im in warrnie! love Julia

Harry Toulacis said...

Hey Julia! I miss you too! Yes, Tobin has gone! I only just check this, will be updating it soonish. You are in Warrnie? I don't even have any numbers or nothing! Let me know. Send us an email to

love Cagey