So, Lucy and I had talked about going to Hokkaido during Winter (Japan) for the Snow/Ice Fes

Low and behold during the Month of December, Damo came to Japan, and Polly and Damo had decided that they were going to go too. It was not until much later when they had booked the trip and told me how much it was that I started to consider it.
"Maybe we could all go together?" But I didn't want to interfere in their private holiday. Although I would try and get the same package. They decided against it and said we should go together. Now I originally only intended to go for the snow festival but their package included 3 days of Snowboarding in Niseko, of which I had no interest. So the package. 5 days in total, 4 nights accommodation. 3 days in Niseko, Snowboarding and 2 days in Sapporo for the Snow Festival. Ok. Let's do it.
Oh, how exciting! I was going to see proper snow! I was constantly asking my students about Hokkaido and all they would mention is the delicious food! The Seafood, the Potatoes, the Chocolate, the Milk, the Cheese, Oh, you're so lucky! The snow is soooo beautiful there! Powder snow! 3-4 meters of it everywhere!!! Depending upon where you go!
I told them that I was going Snow boarding too. I was excited about this now. Damo had given us a few tips/lesson on a rug, and how to turn etc. I wanted to try it. Snow boarding, so much better than Skiing. Skiing was so...yesterday. Geeze that sounded very gay. lol
So my students replied with:
"Snowboarding is dangerous!" "You will break something" I have broken many bones snowboarding" "My friend died snowboarding, someone lost control and hit him in the back of the head and he died." "Be very careful"
Nice I thought. I better get insurance. So I call up my insurance company in Australia, they had an option of Snowboarding insurance which I never including since I had no intention of ever snowboarding. "Oh I'm sorry, you can't add it on mid-term, you can cancel your policy and start a new one, with it?" Um no....I thought. Geeze for $30 AU extra! I should've just taken it out to begin with. Damn, so I had heard the stories and now was heading to the famous snow regions of Japan to snowboard without insurance. This was gonna be good!
Oh my God! I could rent snow gear. But everyone knows me better. I'm gonna go buy it! So I went with Damo to Xebio Sport Centre in Kurume Youme Town, and I bought the entire set! I limited the amount of how much I spent, but I thought, I might as well, I haven't had any proper snow gear since I was 10. It's not as if I'll outgrow them this time. So I bought:
*Cheap Snow Boots (for walking; which I left in Japan)
*Snow Goggles (cheap considering; of which were no use to me, as I'll explain)
*Snow Scarf
*Snow Gloves
I will eventually buy proper snow goggles and snow boots and a snowboard.One of my students Susumu, who goes snowboarding all the time said. "Oh no! You bought cheap snow goggles? Big Mistake! You should buy expensive ones! These will fog up!"As if I thought to myself....they did! I couldn't use them. I had to snowboard without them while snow blew into my eyes, and I kept looking down, losing my balance and falling over all the time to start with.

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